The cheap price makes it affordable to nearly everyone.Great for player killing (pking) in F2P.Will be the scimitar F2P players from 40 Attack onwards.What makes the rune scimitar great for F2P: The requirements are the same, but the brine sabre boasts slightly better stats and a special attack.
#Osrs rune 2 hand upgrade
For members with a little bit more to spend in their pockets, however, I would recommend making an upgrade to the Brine Sabre. The rune scimitar is perhaps the most iconic of the already iconic Runescape scimitars (that’s a lot of iconic-ness!) It remains the best free-to-play one handed weapon in the game with a level requirement of 40 Attack, and is still a great and cheap training option for members until level 50 Attack. Travel South-East past the Gem Trader until you reach Zeke’s Superior Scimitars and trade him 400 GP for the scimitar!.Travel to Al-Kharid, directly east of Lumbridge and pass through the gates for 30 GP.Gather at least 430 GP (Gold Pieces) from killing goblins or men outside of Lumbridge Castle or completing the Stronghold of Security.Its fast speed will make training much faster.Will be the scimitar you have for most of the early game until Mithril, especially as a free-to-play (F2P) player.15 Slash Bonus - useful as its primary attacks for training Attack, Strength and Defence are all slash attacks.This remains the best weapon for training up to level 20 Attack, Strength, and Defence. Furthermore, the steel scimitar is far easier to obtain for Ironmen or new players with a budget. Even the black scimitar, which requires level 10 Attack and has slightly higher slash bonus, still has the same melee strength as its steel counterpart. It boasts a melee strength and slash bonus which is not to be scoffed at for only requiring level 5 Attack. That means it's the same attack speed as a rubber chicken! (Note: I’m talking about the in-game weapon, no chickens were harmed in writing this article). The steel scimitar, like all other scimitars, boasts the highest attack speed for melee weapons (discounting some of the gag weapons). Scimitars are one of the most iconic weapons in Old School Runescape, and for good reason. Here we make it easy for you and talk about the only 10 melee weapons you’ll ever need on Runescape! The monsters you’ll be facing with these new weapons are also going to be way tougher than a giant rodent. As a new player, it can be daunting to open the Attack Skill menu and see dozens of weapons ranging from scimitars to spears and maces. As you leave the island and fully enter the world of Gielinor, you are bombarded with new information and an entire world to explore. Everyone who has ever played Old School Runescape knows the struggle of killing your very first “Giant Rat” on Tutorial Island with nothing but a Bronze Sword from Vannaka.